Circle Lucite Embedments

The product information is listed under each product image.

Circle Beveled Lucite Embedment

Lucite Circle 
3″ x 3″ x 7/8″
With bevel and black back

Circular Beveled Lucite Embedment

Circle Embedment
5″ x 7/8″
With bevel and cut bottom

Circle Lucite Embedment

Circle Lucite Embedment
4″ x 4″ x 7/8″
With cut bottom

circle embedment for heroes

Circle Embedment
4″ x 7/8″
With cut bottom

Circular Lucite Embedment

Circle Embedment
3″ x 7/8″
With black acrylic cut bottom

Circular Lucite Embedment - Police

Circle Lucite Embedment
4″ x 4″ x 7/8″

Circle Lucite Embedment on a base

Circle Embedment
6″ x 7/8″
On 1″ black acrylic base

Lucite Hexagon Embedments

Hexagon Lucite Embedment - Casino

Hexagon Embedment
3″ x 3 1/2″ x 7/8″

Hexagon Lucite Embedment - Aerospace

Hexagon Lucite
3″ x 3 1/2″ x 7/8″

Hexagon Lucite Embedment

Hexagon Lucite Embedment
3″ x 3 1/2″ x 3/4″

Octagon Embedment

Octagon Lucite Embedment - Assets

Octagon Lucite Embedment
5″ x 5″ x 7/8″

Octagon Lucite Embedment

Octagon Embedment
5″ x 5″ x 7/8″

Lucite Embedments

HEXAGONS, OCTAGONS & CIRCLES Embedments by Clear Image